Ashamed of Taking Your Lunch Break? Study Says Boss May Be Judging You

lunch break shaming: boss may be judging employees who take lunch breaks

If you've ever skipped a lunch break because you're worried your boss might be judging you for not working hard enough you aren't alone. A new study says nearly 20 percent of North American workers worry their bosses won't think they're hardworking enough if they take regular lunch breaks. At least thirteen percent of people worry their co-workers will judge them for taking lunch. 

In a survey released by Tork, workers in the United States and Canada were asked about their work habits and whether they feel comfortable taking a regular lunch break every day. What they found was stunning. Nearly forty percent of employees say they don't feel encouraged to take any kind of lunch break and that they're concerned their boss won't think they're working hard enough. 

Turns out, that perception may actually be reality. The study says 34 percent of bosses consider how often employees take lunch breaks and evaluate their lunch performance. Twenty-two percent of employers say they think employees who take regular lunch breaks are not as hardworking as their lunchless co-workers.

The study also found that despite all that worry, taking a regular lunch break might actually be better for the company. Ninety percent of employees who said they their lunch breaks help them feel refreshed and help increase their overall productivity for the day. At least 81 percent of workers who take daily lunch breaks said they have a strong desire to be an active member of the company. 

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